
Hoş Geldiniz Tablo Mdf


About Us

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About Us
Contact Info
BARBAROS HAYRETTİN PAŞA MAH. 1996. Esenyurt/İstanbul
(0212) 522 38 92

We at are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the highest standards of consumer protection, and our privacy policy has been adopted taking into account customer needs, but you must be informed of the most important practices that will be applied to your data, and be completely confident that the choice to control this data will be under your control.

But in brief, by using our website you agree to the following points:

– Consent to create a database that includes your information that was shared with us, such as name, email, phone number, and other marketing or statistical information.

-Consent to collect some of your information when you use our website, whether through registering, logging in, or downloading materials, provided that this information is used to develop and improve the quality of the service we provide to you, and to benefit from it in marketing operations.

-You agree that we can use cookies on your browser.

-Agree to contact you to inform you of the developments and updates to the service we provide.

-Agree to future changes to the privacy policy.

Subscription information

When purchasing our service, you may be asked for some information (trade name - invoice details - email address - address - type of package you want to book - website link).

Communications support

We may communicate with you in multiple ways (phone - chat - email - messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram, etc.) and the following data may be stored:

Chat content – ​​emails – phone call history – call recordings

Information from other sources

We may obtain information, including Personal Data, from third parties and sources other than the Service.

These sources include publicly available information from multiple social media networks, cross-links, advertisers, and integrated services.

This information may be collected to facilitate our understanding of your identity and needs, as well as to help us improve our products and services.

If we combine or link information from other sources with Personal Data we collect through the Service, we will treat the combined information as Personal Data in accordance with this Policy.

We will never disclose, share or sell your data without your consent unless required to do so by law. We use your information for the following purposes:

To provide you with information about our products and services

We use information - other than Customer Data - to operate, maintain, improve, and provide all features of the Service, to provide services and information you request, to respond to comments and questions, and to provide support to users of the Service.

We process Customer Data only in accordance with directions given by the applicable Customer or User.

To improve the usefulness of our messages to you

We use your click-through tracking data for various purposes, including helping us determine interest in certain topics and measuring the effectiveness of our customer communications.

You can give or decline consent to this tracking from your preferences page, accessible from the “unsubscribe” or “manage preferences” link in the footer of any newsletter we send you.

To respond to your requests

We use your contact information and other information shared with us via email and through other channels such as chat and phone to respond to your requests.

To improve our website

We use site navigational information, IP address, browser type, browser language, referring URL, files accessed, errors generated, time zone, operating system and other visitor details collected in our log files to analyze trends, administer our site, Track visitors' movements and improve our site.

We link this automatically collected data to other information we collect about you.

Except as described in this Policy, we will not intentionally disclose Personal Data or Customer Data that we collect or store on the Service to third parties without the consent of the visitor, user or customer.

We may disclose information to third parties if you consent to us doing so, as well as in the following circumstances:

Unrestricted information

Any information you voluntarily choose to include in a public area of ​​the Service, such as a public profile page, will be available to any visitor or user who has access to such content.

Service Providers

We work with third-party service providers who provide website, application development, hosting, maintenance, and other services for us.

These third parties may have access to or process Personal Data or Customer Data as part of providing these services to us.

We limit the information provided to these service providers to what is reasonably necessary for them to perform their functions, and our contracts with them require them to maintain the confidentiality of this information.

Law enforcement, legal procedures and compliance

Please be aware that laws in the various jurisdictions in which we operate may require us to disclose user information and the contents of your user account to local law enforcement authorities pursuant to legal process or applicable governmental request.

In addition, we may also disclose personal information and the contents of your user account to law enforcement authorities if such disclosure is necessary to protect the rights of or to protect the safety of our users, employees, or the public.

Change of ownership

In the event that is involved in bankruptcy, merger, acquisition, reorganization, or sale of assets, your information will be transferred as part of that transaction.

This Privacy Statement will continue to apply to your information after it is transferred to the new entity. Customer Data may be transferred physically or electronically to the buyer, successor or assignee as part of any merger, acquisition, debt financing, asset sale or similar transaction, as well as in the event of bankruptcy.or receivership in information that is transferred to one or more third parties as one of our business assets, for the sole purpose of continuing to operate the Service, and only if the recipient of Customer Data adheres to a Privacy Policy whose terms are substantially consistent with this Privacy Policy.

Data Protection Officer

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices please contact us by mail at

External sites

Our websites provide links to other third party websites. We do not control, and are not responsible for the content or practices of these other sites.

Our provision of such links does not imply our endorsement of these other sites, their content, their owners, or their practices.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to these other sites, which are subject to any privacy or other policies they may have.

Data protection maintains strict administrative, technical and physical procedures to protect the information stored on our servers. We use global standards-compliant Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect your account registration process and registration information. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information and the data you store in your account.

Access to your name and email address is limited to employees. The data stored in your account is only accessed by the team when performing the migration or support services

Saving data

We only retain Personal Data collected from a user for as long as the user's account is active or otherwise for a limited period of time as long as we need it to fulfill the purposes for which we collected it unless otherwise required by law.

We will retain and use information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements as follows:

The contents of closed accounts are deleted within 2 months from the closing date.

Backups are kept for 3 months.

Billing information is retained for 5 years.

Information about legal transactions between the client and is kept for 5 years.

When we have no legitimate business need to process your personal information, we will either delete or anonymize it. If this is not possible (for example because your personal information has been stored in backup archives), we will store the personal information and isolate it from any further processing until it can be deleted.

At, we confirm that you have the right to access your personal information. Depending on the country in which you reside, you may have the following data protection rights:

You can manage your personal account and profile settings within the control panel provided through the platform, or you can contact us directly by emailing us. You can also manage information about your contacts within the dashboard provided through the platform to help you respond to requests to access, correct, update, move, or delete information you receive from your contacts.

If personal information relating to you as an individual has been provided to us by an customer, and you wish to exercise any rights you may have to access, correct, amend or delete such data; Please inquire with our customers directly as employees have limited access to the data our customers provide to our services.

If you would like to submit your request directly to, please provide the name of the customer who submitted your data to our Services, and we will refer your request to that customer and support them as needed in responding to your request within a reasonable time. takes reasonable steps to ensure that the data we collect is reliable for its intended use, accurate, complete, and current.

Blogs, social media, and public forums

We may offer blogs, social media profiles, message boards, bulletin boards, or similar public forums where you and other users of our Service can post content or otherwise communicate.

If you post information in a public forum, we will assume that you intend to make that information public.

We may use your name to identify you through a posting in a public forum, and we may use your posting on or in connection with our Service (for example when you use an hashtag in a Tweet or status update).

Any information you share in a public forum is public information and may be seen or collected by other people, including third parties who do not adhere to the standards set forth in this Privacy Policy.

We are not responsible for events arising from the distribution of any information you choose to post or share publicly through our online services. also supports third-party widgets on the website that allow users to share articles and other information on different platforms.

These tools do not collect or store any personal information from users on the website and simply act as a bridge for your convenience in sharing information.

Cookies and our partners use cookies or similar technologies (such as web beacons, JavaScript) to analyze trends, administer the site, track users' movements around the site, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.

Third Party Analytics

We use third-party software services to collect, aggregate and analyze data about the content of our Site and users and their use of it.

The software we use includes Google Analytics, Google Ads, Bing Ads, and FullStory.

The information collected by these applications is non-personally identifiable and is used to improve the website's functionality and content.

To this end these third parties may use cookies and/or pixel tags to facilitate tracking of website users.

Files are not linkedThird-party identification of your personal information. does not have access to these cookies and we are not responsible for them.

Links to third party products and services from our website

Our Service contains links to or content from third-party websites and other products and services.

You are advised to check the privacy practices of these other sites. We are not responsible for the use or misuse of information provided to you on these other sites.

We encourage you not to provide personal information without checking the privacy policy statements of other sites.

Enable access to your mobile data

When using our mobile applications you may have the option to allow access to your camera, photo library, videos, audio recordings, contact information, call status and files stored on your mobile device.

Our applications require such access to provide you with the Services. For example you can use our mobile application to upload photos/videos/audio/documents to our servers as attachments to a comment/email, create a document, or set a profile picture.

Allow access to your device's location

When you choose to provide access for use, GPS and location tracking features collect location-based information for purposes including, but not limited to, your current location is collected if you use the event check-in feature to ensure you are within the event geofence. .

This information will be shared exclusively with our map providers and used only to map users' locations. Data stored on your mobile device and location information accessible by mobile applications will be used in the context of the mobile application and will be transferred to your account and associated with the corresponding Services (in which case the data will be stored on our servers) or our Products (in which case the data will remain with you unless you share it With us).

Enable push notification

The mobile application may ask you if you would like to receive push notifications about activity or reminders in your account.

The unique device identifier is stored to enable delivery of push notifications if you subscribe to the feature in the app.

If you have subscribed to these notifications and no longer wish to receive them, you can turn them off within your mobile app settings.

Device data

Our mobile applications may access a user's device geolocation, operating system identification, login credentials, language, and time zone.

In addition, our mobile applications may also collect information regarding users' interaction with the mobile applications, which may use to provide and improve the mobile application services.

Disable access

You can disable mobile apps' access to this information at any time by going to your mobile device settings.

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. If we make changes, we will revise this Privacy Policy to reflect those changes and revise the effective date included at the beginning of this Policy.

We may provide you with additional notice (such as your email address) if the changes are material. Your use of the Service following any such notice will indicate your assent to and acceptance of such revised Privacy Policy.

Please refer to our most recent Terms of Service to learn more about the disclaimers and limitations governing use of

If you have questions regarding the Privacy Statement or data processing practices of, please feel free to contact us directly:

By email at

By calling: 00902128537820

“Customer” means an Customer

“Customer Data” means personal data, reports, addresses, files, folders or other documents in electronic form stored by the Service User within the Service.

“Google User Data” means your data synced from Google such as contacts, emails, calendar, documents and attachments.

“Personal data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

“Public Area” means the area of ​​the Website that is accessible by users and visitors, without the need to log in.

“Restricted Area” means an area of ​​the Site that is accessible only by Users, and where access requires login.

“User” means an employee, agent or representative of the Customer who primarily uses restricted areas of the Site for the purpose of accessing the Service in such capacity.

“Visitors” means someone other than a User who uses the Public Area but does not have access to restricted areas of the Site or Service.
